Tao Miracle Healing™ Series: Tao Calligraphy Book Circle & Recovery After Brain Tumor Surgery

A year ago, my sister, who had personally experienced the power of the Tao Calligraphy healing circle, asked if it could help a very good friend recover from brain tumor surgery. "Absolutely!" I replied. Hopeful that this would help her friend, my sister set up a Tao Calligraphy healing circle with ten of Dr. and Master Sha's Soul Healing Miracles books for her friend. Seven months later in March 2015, she emailed the following update. SC was diagnosed with her second brain tumor (she had her first removed 10 years ago as well as an aneurysm). She had surgery in June 2013 to remove the tumor (or mass that had grown in the cavity left by the first tumor). This time, however, she lost feeling on her right side and was told that she should apply for disability and would not be able to return to work. She was not able to do anything with her right arm/hand and could walk very slow. She could not eat with her right hand; she had a lot of difficul...