I wake up pain-free. This a miracle!

Tao Centers, Tao Calligraphy, Tao Chang, and Tao Jin Dans are the only reason that today I can walk, run, sit, kneel, bend, lift, and do anything. A YEAR AGO, I had excruciating pain - level 25 on a scale of 1-10. My spinal cord was thick with inflammation and leaking. The sheath of the spinal cord was compromised. Pockets of spinal fluid had created cysts along the cord, the most painful were on the roots of the nerves at S1, S2 (sacrum). I learned to sleep in one position, perfectly still because any movement shot pain through my spine. In the mornings, I could not even roll off the bed because I could not move my neck. There was so much spinal fluid in my neck. I had ‘concussion headaches’ that lasted for days due to the amount of spinal fluid my body was releasing. I could not sit at all. Could not bend at all, not even to brush my teeth. Lifting anything, including the tea kettle, shot pain through my body, head to toe. I could stand for about a...