Only the Purest Love will Change the Messages

Yesterday I was reminded of how much we all want to be loved, financially free, and connected to humanity and the world in a deep and profound way. When we do not have this, we suffer greatly. Recently I was in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, an area known for its devastating opioid epidemic. To enter the Vancouver Radio Co-op, we asked those camped in the doorway to allow us to pass. They polit ely moved out of the way, while they continued preparing their drugs. As I thought about their lives, wondering how did they get there, two realizations came to me. This group has no pretense or facade. To some extent, they have resigned themselves to the totality of a pain that is visible, all-consuming and raw. They yearn for relief from that relentless agony, and will do anything, but they do not pretend that they are not in pain. The second realization was a huge surge of profound and unabashed gratitude towards Dr and Master Sha, spiritual te...