Healing is a Journey that Starts When You Choose ...

Healing is a journey. It starts the moment you choose to live. Many of us think that it starts when we find the right doctor, prescription, protocol, supplements, etc. This week, I learned that all of those things could be in place but until you make a decision deep in your heart to live, you are existing in a sort of limbo characterized by pain and suffering. 

I choose to live. This has never been so clear in my soul, heart, mind and body as now. 

I choose to live to help my beloved spiritual teacher, Master Sha, in whatever small way I can to accomplish the tasks he's been given in this lifetime.

I choose to live to help others awaken and bring an end to their suffering. 

I choose to live to help create a world of love, peace and harmony.  
Earlier this week, results from x-rays and an MRI left me overwhelmed, saddened, and grieving. As happens with sickness, everything changes moment by moment. Love and support came from friends and loved ones. Instantly, I felt my heart open again. But it wasn't until the next day, when I sat in silence that it became crystal clear that every moment, we make a choice to live or die. It may not seem so to you, but in reality that is what we are doing. We are choosing to forge forward in life with purpose or to die a slow painful death, perhaps with unfulfilled dreams or complete lack of understanding. [Note: My health issues are painful and potentially debilitating, but not life-threatening.]

The moment I chose to live, the heaviness, dread and bleakness lifted. Whatever any Western medical or holistic medical professional told me, this fundamental choice had to be made. The realization also came that my approach to healing would be the same whether the news got worse or better and so my healing journey began anew seventeen years after meeting my beloved spiritual teacher, Master Sha, and healing Crohn's, leaky gut and an ulcer with his Four Power Techniques, and with guidance from an amazing naturopath. 

In the coming weeks and months, I will share my journey with you and hope you share your journey with me. In this joining of our hearts and souls, we will help each other to open our hearts and heal not only ourselves, but we will help to heal the world. 

Please share your story with me and if you are open, I suggest that you get a copy of Da Ai, Greatest Love, by Dr and Master Sha, Master Maya Mackie, and Master Francisco Quintero. It's a beautiful small book that will literally leave you feeling bathe in love. Hope you enjoy reading it and doing the practices!

With the greatest love and gratitude,

Master Ximena


  1. Most beloved Master Ximena Ian deeply touched by your story and your love of sharing it with all of us. I understand this realization of “choosing” to live or choosing not to live. I have and still do have clinical depression and anxiety and have had very dark periods in my life. All of these conditions are unseen and no one actually knows but you just what it is you are doing every day in choosing to live and choosing to go beyond what appears in your life for you. Many many days I had to choose for a 24 hour oeriod as that was the most I could commit to doing. I continue to chose to never give up but rather keep persevering and opening and reopening continuously my heart to stay connected to Heaven and my soul’s purpose. You are always my greatest inspiration and help me to remember the truth and the teachings and to always go foreword. I know your great heart and strength uplifts is all. I love you Master Ximena and am so deeply grateful for you. I pray for your health and for the healing solutions to come as soon as possible.

    1. Beloved Shawna, thank you for sharing your healing journey with me and others. I was deeply, deeply touched by your message and applaud your courage to keep opening your heart, to offer greater and greater love to your family, Divine, and humanity. Having lived with someone who suffered from clinical depression, I understand your experienced. YOU are an inspiration every day to your family and loved ones. It is an honor to share be connected with you. Love you. Love you. Love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Thank you!

  2. I also want to thank you, dearest Master Ximena. Thank you for sharing your truth with us. Yes, to live here is really a decision. All the pain we go through in all of the different forms we experience will not stop us believing into our way. Right? I totally believe, we really have the chance to heal something very special at this time. All together, if we stay. That's why we are here. For me it is a daily decision: Light or darkness? Sometimes I just chant "light, light, light" to give my very clear decision to Heaven and all souls. These days I spoke with the souls around me and told them, that I never will give up my life for I am so endless grateful to be here to serve. Even if it is sometimes very, very challenging. I am sure, we can not change the challenges but our way to go with it. Thank you for being here. I send you all my love for your condition - and just into your heart, if I am allowed to do so. I send you a huge appreciation. Please take care and keep on teaching us so lightful and with all your beautiful heartintelligence. I am grateful to have found Master Sha and all his amazing deciples and students several years ago - so we all together can fullfill the task we are here for. We are one in his love. Yours, Tatjana (Berlin)

    1. Thank you, beloved Tatjana for your beautiful message. I agree with you that the spiritual journey and physical journey give us ample opportunities to transform how we respond to life's challenges. On this journey, we need each other. As we are human beings, we need human love, care and compassion to help us overcome the challenges with grace and ease. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your support. I'm honored that we are on this journey together.

      Master Ximena

  3. You've got what it takes, Master Ximena. ¡Mucha fuerza!

  4. Dearest Master Ximena, You are an incredible inspiration to me in so many ways. Thank you for sharing your story and journey with us so openly. Even with your current impediments, you continue to 'walk the path' with an uncommonly sure-footed and steadfast step. I am so grateful to you, and I send my love for a happy Christmas and healthy New Year.

    1. Thank you Master Sara for your love and beautiful words. We help each other to keep moving forward. All of us can do what we are called to do for humanity with the love and support of each other. Happy Holidays!

      Master Ximena

  5. Dear Master Ximena, I thank you for sharing your message and it seems so clear that our path and it's unfolding is the purpose to give and inspire others through whatever is laid before us. The example you give of a heart of service, steady conviction that the teachings of our Beloved Master Sha create TRANSFORMational changes in all aspects of our lives, when practiced and join together as one. It is through our individual sufferings of whatever they maybe through telling our truth and story, connects us, heart to heart, soul to soul. Your journey and how you walk it IS a great inspiration to many, Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love to you for a peaceful Christmas, wrapped in love, and may 2018 bring Health and prosperity in abundance.

    1. Thank you Master Barbara! In the documentary, An Honest Death ( https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/vod/worldprime/3016007/, the palliative care physician who is also a monk shares that he is happy because the filmmakers have heard him share his story and that all of us want to be heard. I thank you for "hearing" my story thru my blog and look forward to together helping many others awaken to the beauty, power and light that are present on Mother Earth at this time.

      Happy Holidays!

      Master Ximena


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