Today I Walked Two Miles!

In recent months, walking a few steps has been painful at best, and excruciating at times, but today I walked two miles with ease, except for a couple of short indoor breaks from the bone-chilling cold in Toronto, Canada. 

Yesterday, I walked a little less than a mile when I ran into two wonderful friends. One of them could not believe I was walking down the street carrying dinner! Both had seen me the day before and could not believe the change. 

I can't believe the change. For months, I would awaken slowly moving my body, waiting for the acute pain, dull pain, stinging numbness, stiffness, headache, dizziness, heaviness, and more to take hold. How much mobility will I have today? How much will I be able to do before my day comes to an abrupt halt due to the pain? How much clarity will I have today, or will the day be lost to blurriness and fatigue from the pain? 

Through the love and grace of Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha, 90% of the pain is gone. That pain disappeared after receiving a very Special Service from Master Sha here in Toronto just a few days ago, enabling me to walk pain-free and sit pain-free.

For the last six months or so, I could not walk up or down stairs. I could not sit, make the bed, take laundry out of the washer or dryer. Getting in and out of a car was very painful. If I rode in a car, I had to put the seat back down. I could not carry anything beyond a light bag, and anything that fell to the floor, stayed on the floor! Putting a tea kettle on the stove, brushing my teeth, and drying my hair required focused effort. Any of these activities were impossible for me to do without experiencing intense pain.

Since August 2017, I've been using Master Sha's Five Power Techniques in his books to manage the pain, along with alternating between standing and lying down. I also received several special blessings from the special Tao Yuan Changs (Source Oneness Field) in San Francisco and Belgium. Slowly, the pain levels dropped from 20 to the mid-teens, to around ten. 

When I arrived in Toronto in mid-January, the pain levels were around 5-6. I could not sit and had to stand through meetings, trainings, retreats, meals, etc. A few days ago, within minutes of receiving the special blessing from Master Sha, the pain began to dissipate first in my neck, which was stiff and very swollen, especially on the left side. Instantly, I could feel the energy moving down and my body expanding and opening to receive the light. 

Within hours, I could walk with ease and grace, without dragging my left leg. The sciatic pain, lower back pain, pain in the sacrum were all dissipating, and the numbness in my left leg was fading. Two days later, I awoke with no pain. I reluctantly decided to run an errand, fully expecting to either turn back or call for a ride. Neither occurred. I found myself walking gracefully, effortlessly, and without pain. Before I knew it, I had reached my destination one mile away; then turned around and with the same ease walked back in awe and with immense gratitude in my heart for Master Sha. No one else could have done this for me.  

Dr and Master Sha is a rare being with extraordinary healing power that I honor and respect, and hope that you will too. These extraordinary gifts have been given to Master Sha by the Universe, God, Divine, Tao, Source, whatever name you use to refer to the Creator of all life. I am grateful beyond words to Master Sha, Divine, Tao and Source for bringing them to humanity at this time. 

For my situation, Master Sha was really my only hope. In future posts, I will share the conditions, symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis. For people with my condition, the medical options are limited. The hope for a pain-free life is even more limited. I truly feel very lucky to know Master Sha and very grateful to have received his special blessings. 

You and your loved ones can access these types of services at one of the Tao Yuan Chang (Source Oneness Fields) in eight major world cities (San Francisco, Vancouver, Honolulu, Sydney, Mumbai, Toronto, London and Antwerp). The field is created by 40 Tao Calligraphy. Visit to learn more about the Tao Chang. Also, visit to find out how you can participate in a special research study taking place February 2018 in Toronto, Canada.

I wish for you the same healing and transformation in all aspects of your life. 

With the greatest love and gratitude, 

Master Ximena


  1. Master Ximena, this truly is a miracle. I am using that word with the full meaning in not the light hearted way it is often used.

    I have witnessed the struggles you have had. Reading this post is such a source of joy and gratitude to Master Sha that everything has changed for you in a few short days.

    Dr. and Master Sha truly is a special presence with us on Mother Earth. He has extraordinary healing abilities. Your story is one example of these abilities and his extraordinary compassion and commitment to help those who suffer.

    Not only has he helped many, in person, he has also created Tao Chang Calligraphies which have also helped many in miraculous ways.

    I am so happy to read your post and to respond and let you know that you sound as if you are feeling even better than you did before, another special blessings from Dr. and Master Sha.

    Thank you for sharing this,
    Master Marilyn Smith

    1. Dear Master Marilyn, thank you so much for your kind words and love. We are truly very lucky to know Master Sha. There are so many people who do not know his work and suffer relentlessly.

      I hope that through your Gratitude book and related events, many others will be introduced to this extraordinary being and experience the changes and shifts we have had the privilege to share.

      Master Ximena

  2. Thank you for sharing, Master Ximena. I wish you endless light and love for your condition and be thankful, Master Sha offers these Tao Chang fields around the world. For those who are in Europe, please know, that there is one in the Netherlands, in Amersfoort. You will find it at the page (
    Wish you and everyone who is able to experience the abilities Master Sha can offer a most beautiul flourishing and healing energy. It is such an amazing gift to each one who is receiving.
    Alone to be in this field, without an additional special blessing from beloved Master Sha, is for that moment already a huge release of pain (physically, emotionally, mentally...) and more. My personal experiences are amazing for I have many issues with my heart. Especially one time I went in this field with a huge hopelessness and grief in my heart and soul, it was really dark in me. And after my practices with these calligrafies, I felt so happy, so full of light and grateful to be on Mother Earth and in my life - to start right away full of energie with all my tasks again. It was such a lightful experience. Thank you, beloved Master Sha. Thank you, all souls connected to these Calligrafies. Thank you, Master Ximena for reminding me.
    With all my love and gratitude, Tatjana

    1. Dear Tatjana,

      Thank you for your love and compassion. Yes, we are very lucky to live in cities with the Tao Yuan Chang (Source Oneness Field).

      Like you, I find that practices with the Tao Calligraphy can change my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state of mind significantly. My pain levels drop dramatically. My hopelessness changes to hope and my inner peace and joy are once again present in my heart.

      I hope that together, we can let others know about the extraordinary power of these Tao Calligraphy!

      Love you!

      Master Ximena

  3. WOW Master Ximena -- that is amazing and yes -- Miracles are happening each and every day with Master Sha, the Tao Chang Calligraphies that he has created and the many healers that he has certified. I am always blown away when i read another and another and another and this is now DAILY. HOWEVER - i must add to this post for the readers ..... "Master Ximena has a VERY high pain thresh-hold and when i read 5-6 pain level, i immediately went "Yeah -- that is at least a 7,8 or even 9 for most of humanity. :-) Master Ximena is one that works with pain like not many i have seen and the ONLY reason for this is that she wants to SERVE and SERVE and i feel SO blessed being able to witness this incredible service and participate in events where she shares this incredible wisdom and empowers humanity at al levels of their journey. WHY - because she just wants to serve to make each and everyone she meets healthier and happier and flourish in every aspect of their lives. Thank you for this sharing Master Ximena that brought another "Aha" to me for my journey. Love you and CBD xx

  4. Thank you beloved Gavin for your loving words. I agree with you that miracles are happening for people every day. A woman texted me ysterday that she received the high level Tao Calligraphy Light Ball for her spine and pain that she had had since childhood disappeared. She had been taking painkillers for a week and stopped. No need.

    Thank you for your service in Sydney, Australia. More and more people are receiving your Tao Hands Massage and other services to help nourish their soul, heart, mind and bodies.

    May your service flourish and blossom!

    Master Ximena

  5. Dearest Master Ximena - I am so happy for you. Living pain free is a gift beyond words! Thank you Master Sha for this gift! Master Sha's healing powers from Divine, Tao, Source are incredible. We are so blessed to have a Tao Chang Calligraphy room in Vancouver. Countless bow downs to Master Sha. Thank you Master Ximena for sharing your healing experience. You truly deserve to be pain free and able to move, sit, walk, do your everyday chores, and serve Divine with ease. Love you, Monique

    1. Dear Monique, thank you for your love and good wishes. It is truly amazing what is possible with Divine, Tao and Source healing power. My heart feels immense love and gratitude for Master Sha. It is my hope that many others learn about the Tao Changs and Golden Light Balls, so their pain and suffering is eased. Thank you!

      Master Ximena


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