Change the Message to Change the Outcome

Healing, transformation and manifestation are very similar from a TAO perspective. Each requires a change of the current message to a new message. Examples: change the message of overweight to healthy weight, anger to patience, sickness to health, difficult relationship to loving relationship, financial challenges to abundance, stress to calm.

In every moment, through every thought, word or, action, we can and must change the old message to a new message of the outcome we seek. On December 31st, I chose to transform my night owl nature to an early rise nature. When I got sick eighteen years ago, my sleep patterns changed. I became a night owl. That message and all the corollary messages need to change in order for me to truly be an early riser. 

A year ago, changing this pattern would have an exercise in futility as my body struggled with pain and inflammation. Now that my body has healed to a great extent, this change is possible. If I do not get enough sleep, I will still be OK getting up early. I may need to do more practice to support my health and healing, but I will not adversely affect my healing. 

More importantly, I’m paying attention to the corollary thought patterns rising to the surface to be recognized and transformed. This morning, I used TAO Calligraphy and Forgiveness Practice to transform the anxiety and mind chatter I had before even getting up. While it’s not completely gone, I can focus and get tasks done. 

Please share how you are doing. You can get the Greatest Forgiveness book through Amazon. It includes Forgiveness Practice and a Greatest Forgiveness TAO Calligraphy you can trace to help you change an old message to new message.


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